What Corporate Social Responsibility means to Iquality

The growing demand for CSR among organizations
Dutch consumers are becoming increasingly aware of what is being purchased and which organizations they go into business with. No less than 75% of all consumers believes that companies should make a positive contribution to society, the environment and the well-being of people.
And we fully agree!
We want to make digital technology more human.
John van Beek, Managing & Founding Partner
CSR at Iquality
We have structurally embedded Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in our business operations. It is a logical consequence of the CSR philosophy that has been part of our corporate culture for many years. We also have a team that is dedicated to corporate social responsibility. But we do a lot more in terms of sustainability and social engagement.
A sustainable end-of-year gift
Because CSR is so intertwined with our corporate culture, we also try to contribute to a better world together with our customers. We have therefore also created a sustainable end-of-year gift for our customers. For 2019, this meant that we gave our relations the choice between three charities, to which we made a donation on their behalf.
This year our relations were able to choose among the following foundations:

What have we accomplished together?
With our donations the chosen foundations can achieve great things.
Plastic Whale Foundation will be able to educate a primary school class with our donation. This class will be offered a full curriculum about the plastic soup and they will go fishing together with this class on the Amsterdam canals.
With our donation, Justdiggit will be greening 4,800 m2, retaining 226,666 liters of water and storing 33 tons of CO2 in their project areas.
SZN will use the donation to improve the situation of homeless youngsters and to prevent youth homelessness.
We're proud of the results we accomplished together!