
Image of colleague Merel.

What we stand for

Sustainability is about much more than just using less energy or avoiding plastic. It is also about nature, clean water, ensuring enough materials for everyone, clean air, fair opportunities for people and staying healthy. Our goal is clear: we want technology to help make the world a better place.

Our strategy is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and with ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance): reducing our impact on the environment, how we interact with each other, and how we do business fairly and transparently. Together we build a Neighborhood that is good for people, the environment and society.

Sustainability framework.

Would you like to read in detail what we aim for?

Download our Report

We get inspired by curious people

First you, then coding: we design, develop, optimize and support digital solutions for your story.

John van Beek

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