A new website for SOS International

SOS International Workshop

In November 2017 the new website of SOS International was launched. Iquality designed and implemented the website in the content management system Sitecore. SOS International is part of CED.

User Experience workshop: personas and mapping the customer journey

Before the official start of the project, Lennert van Hunen, Team Lead and UX/Visual Designer at Iquality, provided a UX workshop at the Amsterdam headquarters of SOS International. Lennert: “During this workshop, we created personas, mapped the customer journey and penned down the goals of the website. These components help designing the wireframes and were very valuable to SOS International.”

Notes SOS International workshop

A fast front-end and Sitecore implementation due to existing frameworks

After designing the visual design our front-end and Sitecore developers started developing the website. Lennert: “The whole website was designed and developed within one company, this made it easy to communicate and to solve minor differences between the website and design. After testing the acceptance test environment the design was also thoroughly tested.” After three months, the new website was launched. This was possible because of the existing frameworks Iquality uses.

CED always tries to exceed expectations and that is what Iquality delivers in our collaboration over and over again.

Martine Langerak, Manager Marketing & Communication at CED Group

Ranking in Google

During the website development process, it became clear that the URL structure was going to change. If this is not properly arranged, this has consequences for the ranking of the website in search engines. Therefore, it was important that the old URLs were properly redirected to the new URLs. Because this was taken into account in the development process, the migration went well and the ranking in Google and other search engines was maintained.

A flexible website

The new SOS International website consists of separate components. This way, content managers are able to choose how the page should look. All visible components have been separated and can be used in random order. Iquality created a style guide including all available components and how they should be used. This way we make sure the look-and-feel of the website stays consistent.

Dennis Nieuwenhuis.

Would you like to align your website with your audience and targets?

We can help you achieve this. A UX workshop helps determine the target audience and goals of your website. We map your customer journey and create personas. Interested in a UX workshop? Contact Dennis.

We get inspired by curious people

First you, then coding: we design, develop, optimize and support digital solutions for your story.

John van Beek

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