Team as a Service for LEASIT


Continuous development through close collaboration

In collaboration with design firm 0930 and DLL, Iquality developed the website The website was developed using the Scrum method. Currently, LEASIT has been housed with a joint continuous development team of DLL/Iquality together with DLL Dealerlease and Freo. For this reason, the sites remain in development.

Simple solutions for lease

LEASIT, part of DLL (De Lage Landen), was previously called Leaseloket. Because the site had become outdated, DLL felt it was time for a new, modern look. Moreover, they also changed the name to LEASIT. On, entrepreneurs can easily request a quotation if they wish to lease company assets. After filling in certain information, such as type of company asset, purchase value, desired run-time and such, they immediately get to see the monthly amount they will have to pay.

Responsive with many additional functionalities

"LEASIT is a responsive website and can therefore be used on all devices," Christian Haverkamp, Team Lead at Iquality, says. "That is a striking difference with the old Leaseloket. But, other aspects have been improved as well. For example, the interface of the Chamber of Commerce has been integrated into the website. You can look up your own company and your address information will then be automatically included in your request. An automatic credit check is performed after you have submitted a request. If their request meets their financial situation, customers will receive a quotation within 24 hours."

Flexible development with SCRUM

Just like DLL Dealerlease, LEASIT has also been developed with the Scrum method More specifically; in development sprints of two weeks. This was certainly a major advantage. Christian: "Originally, we wanted to reuse parts of DLL Dealerlease as much as possible. But, during usability tests we discovered that the user flow on LEASIT had to be different than estimated. We were able to adjust this in the following sprints. This has made LEASIT into a better site. The user flow has been entirely optimised for the target group."

Take the next step with Team as a Service (TaaS)

Both Freo, DLL Dealerlease and LEASIT began as a project, but are now maintained and developed in accordance with the concept of a Team as a Service at Iquality. This means that a team of professional specialists works on these sites a fixed number of hours a week. This could be to solve bugs, implement improvements or add new functionalities, and so on. The product owner keeps the backlog with all stakeholders requirements. The aspects that yield most value are tackled first.

  • LEASIT homepage website example desktop
  • LEASIT homepage website example mobile

DevOps: faster adjustments with more value

"With a TaaS, you have a team of people at your disposal that knows your products and organisation extremely well," Christian explains. "This level of knowledge is maintained throughout the entire process. If you want to change your website, app or software, you don't have to first start up a project and look for people. As a result, you can respond to wishes from stakeholders much more quickly. You also have fewer overhead expenses. For Freo, DLL Dealerlease and LEASIT, we perform adjustments every two weeks. Those adjustments also have more added value for the stakeholders than independent products of a similar size would have."

(Continuous) development with a fixed budget

Christian Haverkamp
Christian Haverkamp
Team Lead
  • For management and continued development, choose one fixed team that continuously works on the performance, maintenance and expansions of your website. In doing so, the speed with which you can implement adjustments increases drastically. Moreover, the quality of your adjustments is also improved.
  • Take the role of product owner seriously; be available to the development team. And make sure that you know the wishes of the users and stakeholders really well.
  • Set clear KPIs for your DevOps team. This allows you to measure the team's performances.
Team lead Christian Haverkamp.

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contact Christian

Christian Haverkamp was intensively involved in all developments. He can tell you all about it with great enthusiasm. Want to know more? Don't hesitate to contact him.

We get inspired by curious people

First you, then coding: we design, develop, optimize and support digital solutions for your story.

John van Beek

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