Programming workshops for children

Collega didi.

Get familiar with programming

At Iquality everything revolves around software. We design, develop and support digital solutions. In addition to our day-to-day work, we believe it is important to conduct our business in a socially responsible manner. One of our goals is to pass on our knowledge to the next generation.

The idea behind the workshops is to make programming more visible. Almost everything around us is automated with a code language, nevertheless this is not immediately visible to the eye. That is precisely why it is important to introduce these technologies to children at a young age. By using coding in an accessible way, children develop all kinds of competencies such as; critical and creative thinking, communicating, collaborating, and so on. All equally important to better understand the world around us.

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What are we going to do?

Of course we think it is important to pass on knowledge, but it is even more important that the children have fun. Since everyone works in a different way, we have devised 4 workshops, each with a different approach. We focus on various aspects of software development: design, programming, testing and security. Each part lasts about 15 minutes and to conclude we hold an open question round. The children can ask questions to the programmers, from hobbies to career choices. The workshops are aimed at children in grades 7 and 8.

Would you like to read more about the content of the workshops? Read our blog!

What do we ask of you?

Except for a few small practicalities, nothing at all! In order for the workshops to work properly, we only need a room where we can make 4 different groups. We provide further necessary materials. The workshops can be arranged at your school or at our office location in Nijmegen in consultation.

Contact us

Would you like to introduce children to programming with us in an accessible and fun way? Contact us via the button below or send an email tor:

As soon as you have registered, we will contact you to coordinate everything.

Iquality programming workshops

Contact us

Creative, educational and most importantly fun programming workshops.

Do you also want to contribute to the development of the next generation?

We get inspired by curious people

First you, then coding: we design, develop, optimize and support digital solutions for your story.

John van Beek

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