Iquality and Contentful enter into partnership

Contentful and Iquality.

The importance of digital innovation

The digital age requires that we can make use of the latest products and software of today, but also requires us to be able to switch quickly when new innovations arise in the future. In addition, it is important that you continue to meet the ever-growing expectations of your customer.

This is why digital innovation is high on the agenda of many companies. Iquality helps companies to experiment digitally and to accelerate innovation. We do this by making use of innovative Cloud and SaaS services. We continuously monitor the latest developments and investigate the possibilities. Because we create unique digital solutions, it is important to us that SaaS services are open to collaboration and properly facilitate a seperate front end. In this way, we can create unique user experiences based on these SaaS services. We have organized our services in this area under the theme: Digital Experience Stack (DXS).

The Digital Experience Stack is a way of thinking and acting.

John van Beek - Founding & Managing Partner

The Digital Experience Stack drives growth

DXS makes it possible to put together your own platform in a modular way by choosing all kinds of tools and software from different organizations. Consider, for example, a headless CMS, linked to a CRM, an analytics tool and personalization software. John van Beek, Founding & Managing Partner at Iquality says: “The Digital Experience Stack is a way of thinking and acting, always opting for open and flexible SaaS and PaaS solutions and a separate front end solution for interaction with customers.”

If your organization grows and changes, you can of course allow the desired software from the stack to grow and change as well. This makes a DXS of value now, but also in the future.

When you invest in technology that can be adapted to new workflows and extensible to new digital experiences, you prepare for what's to come. You are also prepared for the unforeseen future, as you can only predict the trends of the near years because of technologies change continuously.
With a Digital Experience Stack, organizations do not have to start over with a new platform or new solution when changes occur. This gives you the ability to quickly create and deliver relevant digital experiences.

Want to know more?

Do you want to know more about Contentful and the Digital Experience Stack? Read the items about modern stack websites on

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Digital Experience Stack.

Partnership with Contentful

An organization that embraces the stack idea is Contentful. Contentful is an API-first content management platform that can be used to create, manage and publish content on any digital channel. The content that is created in Contentful can work together with all kinds of tooling and can be displayed via various APIs. This is why Contentful is a valuable link within a Digital Experience Stack.

For Iquality as a digital partner, it is essential to build a relationship with organizations that have the same open and collaborative mindset. In this way, the stack idea can be optimally utilized, and other tooling can actually be easily linked as desired.

We have been working with Contentful for a number of customers for a while now, and we see the convenience of the CMS. The open mind of the system makes the Headless CMS a true hub for content and therefore ideal for linking with all kinds of other software.

We want to bring the collaboration to a higher level and thereby deliver even more value to our customers. For this reason, we entered into a partnership with Contentful in August 2020.

Kevin Zellmer, VP Partnerships at Contentful, explains: “The demand for digital is accelerating, so businesses need a strong technology platform coupled with expertise in implementation to help them scale. This is where the partnership between Iquality and Contentful really shines.”


The future

We look forward to working more with Contentful in the future and together serving customers who need to be able to switch quickly in order to continue to be of value to customers.

Would you like to know more about Contentful or about our collaboration? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

Contact photo John van Beek.

Together we make you smarter


I am curious to hear your story. Let's discover together what digital technology can do for you.

We get inspired by curious people

First you, then coding: we design, develop, optimize and support digital solutions for your story.

John van Beek

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