How do you distinguish yourself within FinTech?

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Get Smarter Every Day

It is difficult to distinguish yourself in a sector such as FinTech. Nowadays, products and services differ little from the competition, so why should a potential customer choose you? What can you do to stand out? This certainly also applies to other sectors.

We think about this together with our customers. To be a worthy partner in this area, we try to remain as relevant as possible in the field of UX and development. Get Smarter Every Day is based on this, becoming a little smarter every day together with our customers. We do this, for example, by visiting summits and conferences with interesting themes.

Team Experience visited FinTech Design Summit 2019

Our Experience Team went to the FinTech Design Summit 2019 in London last month to gain knowledge and inspiration in the field of FinTech. Fully according CSR-regulations they left the day before by car and train to London. Once there, they went into a pub - completely in style - for fish and chips. After a bit of culture, the team left for the summit the next day, ready to be inspired.

Team lead Lennert van Hunen indicates that the purpose of the visit to the Summit was primarily to be inspired: “It is good to see what organizations are doing and how we can translate that to our customers. After all, FinTech is the sector that is at the forefront of technology and customer experience. Within FinTech it is no longer just about money, but about the experience. What can you do as a bank to stand out?”

It's no longer just about money; it's about the experience.

Lennert van Hunen

Added value for your customer

Our Experience Team visited various lectures and panels at the Summit. A lecture by Lloyd Bank left a great impression. This English bank claims to have looked at the percentage of cancer patients within the UK, because: if there are so many people in the UK with cancer, that certainly also applies to a part of their customers. Lloyd Bank has looked at how they can help these people. Such a debilitating disease also has a major financial impact. The goal in their story was therefore to look positively at dealing with financial situations in a negative environment or context. Guiding people and teaching them how to handle money in difficult situations.
This turned out to be a common thread at the FinTech Design Summit. Improving the life of your customer with your product.

Emotional banking

A notable trend in this is emotional banking. Delivering real added value in the life of your customer. The focus is more on service than on the actual conversion of the product. A real difference can be made in service and experience. The question you have to ask yourself here is: "What experience do you offer and why should the customer be loyal to you?"

Finance often evokes a negative association, and that can be broken by putting the experience in a positive light and allowing the service to be a real support.

Many banks at the summit are also much more concerned with their banking app. Interaction Designer Roelien Tippe states: “There is an increasing separation between the purpose of the website and the purpose of the banking app. The website is mainly focused on marketing and the app is primarily focused on serving the customer and onboarding. But both channels are merged seamlessly."

Do you want to be inspired as well?

Our Experience Team has returned fully inspired and will use their acquired knowledge in their UX activities for our customers.

Do you also want to become smarter with us? Please contact Lennert van Hunen. He will gladly look at your question and offer a solution tailored to your situation.

Dennis Nieuwenhuis.

Technology and creativity as one

When designing an app, website or application you have to take into account multiple aspects. During the designing process, user experience is often neglected or even forgotten. Are you ready to focus on your user's experience?


We get inspired by curious people

First you, then coding: we design, develop, optimize and support digital solutions for your story.

John van Beek

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