The technology does not dictate the solution

Rabobank offices

The work processes are leading, the technology is there to help people

Inspection and improvement of the quality of data. How do you approach this in a structured manner? Joost Rutten of Iquality built a tool for Rabobank that supports employees in the inspection of mortgage information: "Not the technology, but better processes for your team or company are the most important starting point for the development of the tool."

Structured by the process

Rabobank inspects the mortgage information to check whether the files are complete and up-to-date. Rabobank does so because customers handle increasingly more matters online. Therefore, it's important that the information is always correct. Rabobank asked Joost Rutten of Iquality to make a tool that allows the entire process to be performed in a structured manner. The result, on which a colleague of Rabobank also collaborated, is a tool that guides employees through the entire process step by step. All manner of data are automatically entered, so employees don't have to switch between various systems. Furthermore, the tool registers the actions of the employees. As a result, it can always be discovered who, what, when, on the basis of what has changed.

Quick and without extra investment

Joost Rutten explains that he opted to design the tool in Access for practical reasons. “This allows you to create something quickly and every employee with Windows and Office on his PC can work with the tool. No extra investment in software is required. The tool certainly doesn't have a super flashy design, but it's very functional. Thanks to the tool, the employees' work has become a lot easier in a short period of time. Therein lies the joy of my work, much more than in the technology itself.”

Don't let the technology dictate the solution, but choose a solution that suits the challenge you face as an organisation.

Joost Rutten, Data Analist & Solution Manager at Iquality

The basis for even better

Because all the actions are registered, the team leaders have a lot of useful information at their disposal. How much work does the team do in a day? What is the quality of the work? The employees hold a day start every morning in which they discuss matters they've run into. Joost is always present for these: "Purely regarding content, there's little I can offer, but when certain processes aren't running smoothly or are rather cumbersome, I find it a challenge to see if I can make these more efficient by adjusting the tool. Here too, I let the technology follow the workfloor, rather than the other way around.”

You really have to work hard together to improve every single day

Drs. Joost Rutten
Drs. Joost Rutten
Data Analist and Solution Manager

"Developing close to the workfloor is one of the most important tips Joost has for organisations that face similar challenges. Employees are often already greatly helped by having a foundation to start from. Subsequently, there is time to expand on that foundation. An additional advantage of this way of working is that you can fully profit from the feedback you receive. However, this does require an honest and open attitude from both sides. You really have to work hard together to improve every single day."

Iquality employee Joost

Has been working for Rabobank for years

contact Joost

Joost Rutten has been working for Iquality at Rabobank for years now. He is employed as experienced data analyst & developer. Want to know more? Don't hesitate to contact us.

We get inspired by curious people

First you, then coding: we design, develop, optimize and support digital solutions for your story.

John van Beek

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