Fast search engine with optimal user-friendliness

Province of Noord-Brabant arrow

For the province of North Brabant, Iquality has improved the search entree on and the intranet in various fields

Visitors of the websites will be offered a user-friendly filter-based search entree where search questions are supplemented (auto suggest). The content managers have also been considered; from the Sitecore Content Management System new search collections can be flexibly arranged in order to easily realise a link with the underlying enterprise search technology, the Google Search Appliance.

Various types of content

The province of North Brabant conducts both national and regional policy as province. Various responsibilities arise from this in regional economic field, infrastructure, spatial planning and nature. Due to these various responsibilities, this organisation generates lots of different types of content.

Newest technology, future-proof & web guidelines = check

The developed solution offers major advantages to the province of North Brabant. Now, people can easily unlock new data sources by configuring them from the CMS. Additionally, it's possible to offer context-sensitive search entrances, for instance search specifically within a certain section of the website. The search entrance is web guideline-proof, makes use of the newest technologies and is future-proof.

Google Search Appliance (GSA)

The Google Search Appliance solution that offers a Google-like search experience for both your intranet, network disks, databases, content management and ERP systems, as well as your public website. It offers the relevance and the user-ease as you are used to from while maintaining document security and specific relevance provisions, as you use these in your work. The result is that you can have more relevant, secured documents and adequate document suggestions at your disposal by making use of standard functionality such as facet navigation, spell check and refinements by means of filter options.

The search entrance is web guideline-proof, makes use of the newest technologies and is future-proof.

Iquality & the Province of North Brabant

Since 2009, Iquality and the province of North Brabant have been working together on optimisation trajectories for various province website(s), including and the province's intranet. Iquality focuses on service provision for the province in the field of design, realisation and management of front- and mid-office solutions. Use of Sitecore, software intelligence and development capacities play a central role in this.

Remco van Toor

Contact Remco

Remco van Toor is involved in the implementation of complex questions from various customers. He can tell you all about this with great enthusiasm. Want to know more? Don't hesitate to contact him.

We get inspired by curious people

First you, then coding: we design, develop, optimize and support digital solutions for your story.

John van Beek

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