New Sitecore platform for CZ

website pzp

On Wednesday the 29th of March 2017, CZ launched the new website for the Police Healthcare Policy. It’s the first website on a new Sitecore platform at CZ. Iquality has developed this platform in collaboration with CZ. Due to the modular construction and a new content architecture, employees of CZ are able to change existing websites more easily and launch new websites quicker.

A new website for the Police Healthcare Policy

The Police Healthcare Policy is an insurance of CZ and the police unions ACP, NPB and VMHP. CZ arranges the purchase of care, the contents of the insurance packages and the administrative matters. The maintenance of the website is also part of this. The Sitecore platform of CZ was outdated, hence caused technical problems and poor performance. In addition, the content editors lost a lot of time creating and customizing pages.

A new web environment

Remco van Toor, Software Architect at Iquality, explains how Iquality, together with CZ, has set up a new web environment: “The base is an optimized development path. As a result, the steps between the development, testing and production environments can be done with lesser actions. Furthermore, the platform is configured based on Sitecore 8.2, in which websites can be built using modular architecture. This means that technology, design and content have been disassembled. This makes it easier to, for example, use functional parts and content for other websites.

Content first

An important additional adjustment to CZ is the way in which content is stored. Remco: "Content editors are no longer responsible of formatting. Previously, for example, they made a page about care advice. They had to indicate what the introduction was, which headings were h2 or h3, or if a picture had to be on the right or left of the text, and so on. Now they only write the information on care advice. In doing so, they do not need to think about how and where this information is displayed. That is determined by the front-end developers and designers."

"Iquality played an important role in the intense collaboration in the multidisciplinary business / IT team. The result: a redesign for the end user and internal user, and a sustainable technical foundation, which we can develop in a flexible way to increase customer and business value."

Ruud Vendeloo

Multiple use of content

The content editors at CZ spend much less time creating and managing information and the content from one source can be used in different places. Remco: "Of course it is possible to display information on multiple sites of CZ. To support this, an automatic translation between the formal and informal usage of the word “you” is built in. Furthermore, the information that is being captured can also be used in places other than websites. For example, think of an app, chat bot, manual, or search index."

Time to market

The website is the first to go live on this new platform. Soon, other websites of CZ will follow. Remco: “The improvements to the development path, the modular construction of websites and the content-first strategy make the time to market of new ideas or custom information much smaller. The technology now plays a supporting rather than obstructing role."

Remco van Toor

Contact Remco

Remco van Toor is involved in the implementation of complex questions from various customers. He can tell you all about this with great enthusiasm. Want to know more? Don't hesitate to contact him.

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