Quantore expands with a new website for Biaretto

Biaretto mockup laptop.

Biaretto: a new brand, a new website

On the first of October, international day of coffee, Biaretto went live with a new website. Biaretto is part of Quantore, market leader in office supplies, but has now secured its own place in the market. We have developed the website with existing components of the Digital Experience Platform from Quantore and a number of new components so that Biaretto can also switch faster in the future.

A sustainable solution

More and more organizations are making use of new possibilities to combine different tools themselves, such as a composable digital experience platform (DXP). Why? It gives organizations more freedom and they can anticipate on changes in the market more quickly. We previously built a new website for Quantore. We did this by setting up a digital experience platform, which is composed with the CMS of Contentful as the central point, supported by the possibilities that Microsoft Azure offers to complete the platform.

We have continued to build on this principle to prepare Biaretto for the future as well. This means that we have reused the concept but also various components of Quantore.com. In practice, this saves a lot of time for both parties and the reuse of software makes it a sustainable and strong solution. And certainly with the flexibility of Contentful we were able to create a new 'space' very quickly. Content editors now have all the possibilities of the Quantore solution, but still have a separate environment to manage their website.

Would you like to read more about the innovations around Quantore.com? Click here.

Introducing a new theme

Despite the fact that we have reused the base and various components for Biaretto.com, the website does have a different look. We have implemented a new theme within the existing components. This theme is fully adapted to the Biaretto house style.

Integrate Social media

Biaretto responds to their customers via social media in a funny but clever way. The social media platforms are therefore important in Biaretto's marketing strategy. To strengthen the link with the website and social media, we have developed a new component which provides a link with social media. Instagram, for example, is now getting more exposure; the most recent Instagram posts are automatically displayed on the website.

Biaretto afbeelding website

Biaretto Speaks

Anique Uithol, communication officer – Biaretto: “We once again chose Iquality for setting up the Biaretto.com website. We experienced the cooperation on the previous project as very pleasant. We were very pleased that the Biaretto website could be set up largely in the same way as the Quantore.com website. As a result, we were already familiar with the Contentful environment. We wanted a website focused on the experience around our brand and the story behind the coffee. The result is a sleek, user-friendly and well-arranged website that should help us to create more awareness among the target group.”

Digital experience platform of Biaretto

The platform is composed with Gatsby.js as framework, Contentful as CMS and we have made intensive use of Microsoft Azure to take care of automatic build and deploys, sending form data, hosting the website and so on.

Gatsby.js is a framework that works very well within the JAMstack philosophy. The website is generated statically by this framework. As a result, the visitor does not have to wait for all code to load on a server, resulting in a safe and faster website.

At the Biaretto website we also opt for Contentful, a headless CMS. We have positive experiences with this platform; it works quickly, clearly and securely (ISO-27001 compliant!) and the content can be used for various APIs. In addition, it provides extra freedom within a digital experience platform. The built-up frontend in Gatsby.js is linked to the CMS of Contentful, in which the content is managed.

Is your organization ready to anticipate on the future?

Would you like to know more about whether a digital experience platform can be a solution for your organization? Or do you need help with the implementation? We are happy to help you! Please contact us.

Colleague Ronald Nieuwenhuis.

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Ronald Nieuwenhuis was intensively involved in all developments. He can tell you all about this with great enthusiasm. Want to know more? Don't hesitate to contact him.

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