Certified Scrum Masters

image scrum master.

Certified Scrum Masters

Colleagues Ronald Nieuwenhuis and Christian Haverkamp both followed a Scrum Master training via Scrum Alliance®. They both successfully completed their exam. We would like to congratulate them with this achievement.

Scrum Alliance

Scrum Alliance®  is the largest, most established and influential certification organisation in the Agile community. It is a non-profit organisation with over 450,000 certified practitioners worldwide.

MongoDB University

As Team Leader and Scrum Master, you have an important role in the functioning of the team. Thanks to the experience as Team Leader, they know exactly how to bring their team along in inventing and realising solutions. In their new role as Scrum Master, they look at the functioning of the team and intensively collaborate with the product owner in order to realise the most value for the customer.

Iquality invests in personal development

The added value of Iquality's service provision lies in the professional and personal qualities of its employees. Iquality invests in their personal development and especially aims to increase their professional knowledge and skills. One key term is permanent education.

We get inspired by curious people

First you, then coding: we design, develop, optimize and support digital solutions for your story.

John van Beek

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