Technical applications
Iquality developed a unique web application for Huvaros, which laboratories all over the world can use to improve their automated analysis machines. The web application can perform several thousand simulations within a few minutes, allowing laboratories to see at which settings an analysis machine timely raises the alarm when something may be wrong. At the same time, it does not do so unnecessarily. This means that eventually, more analyses can be conducted each day.
A TaaS, fixed budget and planning; the application's features were established in advance
In Better Settings for Analysis Machines in Laboratories , Huub van Rossum says he's very satisfied with the web application Iquality has developed for his startup. The decision to work with a multidisciplinary team, fixed budget and fixed planning, under the concept of a Team as a Service (TaaS), is important. The application's features were established in advance, but the details were still open to interpretation. An assessment of the possibilities was made every week. Below, John van Beek, Managing Partner and Solution Manager at Iquality, explains what technical decisions supported this way of working.
Quick result with Polymer Project (based on Google Material design)
"We chose to develop the user interface by means of the Polymer Project, which is based on Google Material Design. This is a powerful JS framework with a library filled with standard web components. These components meet important functional, technical and stylistic standards. This allows you to know exactly what will work in all the latest browsers, what is responsive, accessible according to W3C standards and matches the experiences users have with other web applications.”
Ready for the future with Microsoft ASP.Net Core 1.0
"The calculations needed for the many simulations are performed on a server with Microsoft ASP.Net Core 1.0. This is the latest, greatly improved, version of ASP.Net, Microsoft's development platform for web applications. The release of this new version of the platform was on 27 June. This ensured that the web application of Huvaros was definitely ready for the future."
Graphs with Google Charts
"In the web applications, the simulation results are presented in useful graphs. From these graphs, the users can read what the ideal settings of an analysis machine are. For these graphs we make use of Google Charts. This is a standard web component that is supported in the Polymer framework, making it almost as easy to work with as Excel for the developers.”
Reports with JSReport
"JSReport is a modern, powerful tool for reports with ample configuration possibilities and user scenarios. We used this tool to give users the possibility to print the html page with the simulation results as PDF. JSReport also makes it possible to add headers, footers, page numbers and such to a report."
No additional license fees thanks to SQLite
"Data of the web application is stored with SQLite. This is a free, open source database engine that stores data on the web server itself and therefore doesn't require a separate database server. The customer therefore doesn't have to pay additional license fees. SQLite matches the .net platform the Huvaros web application runs on very well."